Sunday, January 31, 2010

Drop by drop

Dew-drop and Diamond by Robert Graves 

The difference between you and her
(whom I to you did once prefer)
Is clear enough to settle:
She like a diamond shone, but you
Shine like an early drop of dew
Poised on a red rose petal.

The dew-drop carries in its eye
Mountain and forest, sea and sky,
With every change of weather;
Contrariwise, a diamond splits
The prospect into idle bits
That none can piece together.

Glass shattering within


Mystery of the moonlight

Moonlight slanting by Matsuo Basho 

Moonlight slanting
through the bamboo grove; 
a cuckoo crying.

A new day

Dreams in the dusk





Dreams in the dusk by Carl Sandburg 

Dreams in the dusk,
Only dreams closing the day
And with the day's close going back
To the gray things, the dark things,
The far, deep things of dreamland.

Dreams, only dreams in the dusk,
Only the old remembered pictures
Of lost days when the day's loss
Wrote in tears the heart's loss.

Tears and loss and broken dreams
May find your heart at dusk.

A past world

Amber bottles of nothing






Along came a spider



Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ego and Pride